Saturday , 18 January 2025
Sản Phẩm Mới
GP270 Màn hình Proface, Man hinh Proface HMI GP270, 5 Inch

GP270 Màn hình Proface, Man hinh Proface HMI GP270, 5 Inch

GP270 Màn hình Proface, Man hinh Proface HMI GP270, 5 Inch

Model Items GP270-SC**-24V* GP270-LG**-24V*
Type STN Color LCD Monochrome LCD
Color 8 colors (white, red, blue, green, yellow, purple, light blue, black) Tiling patterns
make blends of colors possible
black and white
Backlight CCFL (under normal temperatures and humidity, lifespan = 20,000 hours) User replaceable.
Resolution 320 x 240 pixels
Nominal  Display Area 96mm(W)  x 72mm(H)
Features Blink/ Reverse  Video
Brightness Control
Contrast  Control 8 levels from touch panel
Language  Fonts ASCII:  (Code Page 850) Alphanumeric  (incl. European fonts) *1
Chinese:  (GB2321 – 80 codes) simplified Chinese fonts Japanese: ANK 158 type, Kanji: 6962 (Standard JIS Type 1 & 2) Korean:  (KSC5601 – 1992 codes)  Hangul font
Taiwanese:   (Big 5 codes) traditional Chinese fonts
No. of Char. Display 8×8 dot font 40 characters  per row, 30 rows
8×16 dot font 40 characters  per row, 15 rows
16×16 dot font 20 characters  per row, 15 rows
Font Size Character  Size: Height and Width can be expanded  1, 2, 4, or 8 times.
Application Memory 256KB FLASH EPROM
Touch Panel (Resistive  Film) 16 x 12 keys/ screen;  1 or 2 point touch
Function  Keys
Operation  Switches
Push Button Switch
Interfaces Serial Asynchronous transmission method:  RS-232C/ RS-422;  Data length:  8/7 bits; stop bits: 2/1 bits; Parity:  None/ Even/ Odd; Data Transmission Rate: 2400~38400 bps
Tool Connector RS-232C Asynchronous Transmission Method,  TTL level, non-procedure command interface
<during  screen  development> used for downloading application screens
<during  RUN mode>  used as Bar-code Reader  interface
External  Outputs
GP270-GP-H70 Dimension Kich thuoc

GP270-GP-H70 Dimension Kich thuoc


Công ty TNHH DACO –Cung Cấp Màn Hình Cảm Ứng HMI Proface – Nhật Bản

Màn hình cảm ứng HMI Proface, Màn hình cảm ứng Proface, Màn hình HMI Proface, HMI Proface, Màn hình cảm ứng HMI Proface GP270-SC, GP270-LG

Trụ sở: Số 146 – Tân Triều – Thanh Trì – Hà Nội
VPGD: Liền kề 9 – Vị trí 19 – Khu đô thị Xala – Hà đông – Hà Nội

Handphone: 0904 27 0880

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