Saturday , 18 January 2025
Sản Phẩm Mới
GP377 Màn hình Proface, Man hinh Proface HMI GP377, 6 Inch

GP377 Màn hình Proface, Man hinh Proface HMI GP377, 6 Inch

GP377 Màn hình Proface, Man hinh Proface HMI GP377, 6 Inch

Model Item GP377R-TC11-24V GP377R-TC41-24V GP377-SC11-24V GP377-SC41-24V GP377-LG11-24V GP377-LG41-24V
Display Type TFT  Color LCD STN  Color LCD Monochrome LCD
Colors 64 colors (Tiling patterns make blends of colors possible) black and  white
Backlight CCFL (under normal temperatures and humidity, lifespan = more than 50,000) CCFL (under normal temperatures and humidity, lifespan= more than
30,000)  User replaceable
Resolution 320  x 240  pixels
Nominal Display Area 115.2mm(W) x 86.4mm(H)
Attributes Blink/ Reverse Video
Brightness Control 4 levels (via  touch panel)
Contrast Control 8 levels (via  touch panel)
Language Fonts ASCII:  (Code Page 850) Alphanumeric  (incl. European fonts) *1
Chinese:  (GB2321 – 80 codes) simplified Chinese fonts Japanese: ANK 158 type, Kanji: 6962 (Standard JIS Type 1 & 2) Korean:  (KSC5601 – 1992 codes)  Hangul font
Taiwanese:   (Big 5 codes) traditional Chinese fonts
No.of Char. Display 8 x 8 dot font 40 characters per  row,  30 rows
8 x 16 dot font 40 characters per  row,  15 rows
16 x 16 dot font 20 characters per  row,  15 rows
Font Sizes
Application Memory
Touch Panel (Resistive Film)
16 x 12Keys/ screen; 1 or 2 point touch
Interfaces Serial Asynchronous transmission method: RS-232C/ RS-422
Data length: 8/7 bits:  2/1 bits;  stop  bits:  2/1 bits;
Parity: None/ Even/ Odd; Data Transmission Rate: 2400bps to 115.2kbps
Tool Connector Asynchronous Transmission Method, TTL  level, non-procedural command interface
[during screen development] used for transferring application screen data
[during RUN mode] used as Bar-code Reader or built-in 2-port function interface
Auxiliary Input/ Output(AUX)
Printer Output
GP477-GP470-GP377-GP370 Dimension

GP477-GP470-GP377-GP370 Dimension


Công ty TNHH DACO –Cung Cấp Màn Hình Cảm Ứng HMI Proface – Nhật Bản

Màn hình cảm ứng HMI Proface, Màn hình cảm ứng Proface, Màn hình HMI Proface, HMI Proface, Màn hình cảm ứng HMI Proface GP377R-TC11-24V, GP377R-TC41-24V, GP377-SC11-24V, GP377-SC41-24V, GP377-LG11-24V, GP377-LG41-24V

Trụ sở: Số 146 – Tân Triều – Thanh Trì – Hà Nội
VPGD: Liền kề 9 – Vị trí 19 – Khu đô thị Xala – Hà đông – Hà Nội

Handphone: 0904 27 0880

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